Pre-canned (though subclassable) dialogs which tend to come in handy in Led-based applications. These are not always available for all platforms. Also - some minimal effort is made to make it a bit easier to do somewhat platoform-independent dialog code (very minimal support for this as of Led 3.0).
Led_StdAlertHelper [public]
MacOS only
Led_StdDialogHelper [public]
A very minimalistic attempt at providing cross-platform dialog support.
Led_StdDialogHelper_AboutBox [public]
You can define qSupportStdAboutBoxDlg to 0 to disable inclusion of this resource/code (for size reasons).
Led_StdDialogHelper_FindDialog [public]
You can define qSupportStdFindDlg to 0 to disable inclusion of this resource/code (for size reasons).
Led_StdDialogHelper_URLXEmbeddingInfoDialog [public]
You can define qSupportURLXEmbeddingInfoDlg to exlude this from your build (for size reasons)
Led_StdDialogHelper_UnknownEmbeddingInfoDialog [public]
You can define qSupportUnknownEmbeddingInfoDlg to exlude this from your build (for size reasons)
Led_StdDialogHelper_UpdateWin32FileAssocsDialog [public]
Windows only.
StdColorPickBox [public]
XWindows only. You can define qUseGTKForLedStandardDialogs to 0 to disable inclusion of this resource/code (for size reasons).
StdFilePickBox [public]
XWindows only.
StdFontPickBox [public]
XWindows only. You can define qUseGTKForLedStandardDialogs to 0 to disable inclusion of this resource/code (for size reasons).
qUseGTKForLedStandardDialogs [public]
Generally we try to keep toolkit dependencies restricted to the Led_TOOLKIT module(s), such as Led_Gtk. Thats pretty well doable where there is decent native dialog support, such as with Win32 and MacOS. But this isn't very practical for X-Windows. So - I've added a Gtk-dependency to this module as well - just for implementing these standard dialogs.
This flag defaults to true, iff qXWindows is true.