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Objectives/Personality: I am both a superlative software designer and an extremely able "hands-on" implementer. I take great pride in the quality of my work; but don't define quality merely in terms of abstract or aesthetic principles. I view my job as doing whatever it takes to bring commercial success to a software development project (within the role I am given). I am adept at understanding new domains, and inherited code. I have a very broad view, and deep understanding of programming techniques and technologies, and I invest significant effort in staying abreast of how these rapidly changing technologies evolve. Skills (keywords): Active Server Pages, .asp, ActiveX, ADO, application frameworks, ATL, Bison, Borland OWL, BSD UNIX, C, C++, CFront, COM, COM+, client-server, class libraries, compilers, database, DBCS, device drivers, educational software, Flex, firmware, graphical user interface (GUI), GCC, GNU, Gtk, HTC, HTTP Proxy Server, HTML, IP, Information Server (IIS), installer, InstallShield, internationalization, Java, JavaScript, JPEG, JScript, Language Monitor, Lex, Linux, Lisp, localization, MacOS, MacOS-X, MFC, medical testing software, Microsoft .Net, Microsoft SQL Server, Motif, MSI, MTS, multithreading, n-tiered architectures, Natural Language Processing (NLP), OLE, object oriented design, optimization, Pascal, PDF, performance tuning, Plug and Play, Prolog, Print Driver, Java, JBig, rich text format (RTF), process manufacturing, QuickTime™, SGML, SQL, SNMP, SOAP, Solaris, spellchecker, statistics, STI, STL, text processing, TIFF, Total Quality Management (TQM), TWAIN, TCP, TCP/IP, UDP, UNICODE, UNIX, USB, VBScript, VC++, vision processing, visualization, web development, WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Lab), WIA (Windows Imaging Architecture), Win32, Win32 Drivers, Windows, Windows Installer, X-Windows, Xalan, Xerces, XML, XML Schema, XPath, XSL, Yacc Education: Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts (1982-1987) Degree: A.B. in Mathematics Employers and Consulting Clients (follow links for details):
Products: Led C++ class library, ActiveLedIt, NetLedIt, LedIt, LedLineIt, ActiveSpelledIt ( are all products completely developed, packaged, and marketed by me. Patents: "Modular Language Translation System", by Pringle, (Pending Int'l Patent App. No. PCT/US98/15219) "Automated Translation of Annotated Text", by Pringle, Swerdlow, and Wysoker (U.S. Patent No. 6,470,306) "Automatic Translation and Retranslation System", by Pringle (Pending Int'l Patent App. No. PCT/US98/00729) "User alterable Weighting of Translations", by Pringle, Swerdlow, Wysoker & Wight (Pending Int'l Patent App. No. PCT/US00/42120) |