void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::AlignTextEditRects ()
Lays out the scrollbars, and specifies the window-rect (TextImager::GetWindowRect ) based on the
window frame rect (Led_MacOS_Helper::GetWindowFrameRect), and its own internal algorithm.
A default algorithm is supplied by @Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects_' with enough parameters
that you can probably get what you want by just subclassing this routine and
calling Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects_
with different arguements.
This routine should generally not be overridden. Instead, call
Led_MacOS_Helper::SetAlwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox or
Led_MacOS_Helper::SetScrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame to control the behavior of the scrollbar layout.
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::AlignTextEditRects_ (bool alwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox, bool scrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame, bool vSBarShown, bool hSBarShown)
Helper to implement the Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects_ algorithm.
This method takes a 'alwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox' parameter which you can use to force the editor to leave room for
a size box when laying out the scrollbar. This is useful if you are putting the editor into a window that has a grow-box,
and where the window takes up the entire content area.
The 'scrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame' is for a similar situation. The Mac window layout has a quirk - where scrollbars
are supposed to be layed out so that one pixel of their edge overlaps with the edge of the window - sharing a single line.
Actaully - the Mac's UI has changed since then - but they still define things and lay them out based on this hisorical quirk.
So if your editor is going to take over a window entirely - you probably wnat to specify true for this, and false otherwise..
bool Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::GetAlwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox () const
The 'alwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox' property allows you to force the editor to leave room for
a size box when laying out the scrollbar. This is useful if you are putting the editor into a window that has a grow-box,
and where the window takes up the entire content area.
The property is used from Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects .
This value defaults to true (which works best for when a Led view is embedded in a window).
bool Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::GetScrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame () const
The 'scrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame' is similar to Led_MacOS_Helper::GetAlwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox .
The Mac window layout has a quirk - where scrollbars
are supposed to be layed out so that one pixel of their edge overlaps with the edge of the window - sharing a single line.
Actaully - the Mac's UI has changed since then - but they still define things and lay them out based on this hisorical quirk.
So if your editor is going to take over a window entirely - you probably wnat to specify true for this, and false otherwise.
The property is used from Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects .
This value defaults to true (which works best for when a Led view is embedded in a window).
GrafPtr Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::GetUseGrafPort () const
Get the grafport associated with this editor instance. This must be specified (Led_MacOS_Helper::SetUseGrafPort )
early on, before any drawing, or sizing etc, can be performed.
Led_Rect Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::GetWindowFrameRect () const
The window frame rect is the bounds on the current grafport (Led_MacOS_Helper::GetUseGrafPort )
in which we place the scrollbars, and windowrect (TextImager::GetWindowRect ). These are layed out within the frame rect
each time the frame rect changes by the Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects method.
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::HandleActivateEvent ()
Call this method when this edit view becomes the input focus (so it will start blinking the caret, etc)
See also Led_MacOS_Helper::HandleDeactivateEvent .
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::HandleCursorKeyPress (char theChar, bool optionPressed, bool shiftPressed, bool commandPressed)
Helper for handling key events.
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::HandleDeactivateEvent ()
Call this method when this edit view loese the input focus (so it will stop blinking the caret, etc).
See also Led_MacOS_Helper::HandleActivateEvent .
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::HandleIdleEvent ()
Call this method when your applicaiton recieves idle events. This only needs to be called if you are the input
focus, but can be safely called otherwise.
bool Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::HandleKeyEvent (const EventRecord& inKeyEvent)
Call this method when in response to Macintosh Key Event.
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::Handle_Draw (Led_Region updateRgn)
Call this method when in response to Macintosh update event. Be sure to pass in the updateRegion (in local / port coordinates).
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::SetAlwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox (bool alwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox)
See also Led_MacOS_Helper::GetAlwaysLeaveSpaceForSizeBox
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::SetScrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame (bool scrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame)
See also Led_MacOS_Helper::GetScrollBarsOverlapOwningFrame
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::SetUseGrafPort (GrafPtr grafPort)
See Led_MacOS_Helper::GetUseGrafPort .
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::SetWindowFrameRect (const Led_Rect& windowFrameRect)
See Led_MacOS_Helper::GetWindowFrameRect .
void Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR > ::SetWindowMargin (const Rect& windowMargin)
Sets the margins around the window frame rect (see Led_MacOS_Helper::GetWindowFrameRect )
inside which the actual window-rect (TextImager::GetWindowRect ) will go.
NB: This rect is not interpretted as a normal rectable. Its top/left/bottom/right are just interpreted as offets
in from the edge of the window frame rect to place the window rect in Led_MacOS_Helper::AlignTextEditRects .
virtual void SetupCurrentGrafPort () const = 0;
This pure-virtual method must be overriden in subclasses.