TextInteractorCommonCommandHelper_PP < BASECLASS,CMD_INFO,CMD_ENABLER >
Led_PPView [public]
LView, LCommander, LPeriodical, LDragAndDrop, Led_MacOS_Helper < BASE_INTERACTOR >
PowerPlant wrapper class. This provides the basic PowerPlant wrapper support, regardless of the sort of TextImager which is being used. See Led_PPView_X<ChosenInteractor,Traits> for more details.
Led_PPView_Traits_Default [public]
Specifier class, used as default value with Led_PPView_X
Led_PPView_X [public]
ChosenInteractor, Led_PPView
Utility template to mix together Led_PPView an a ChosenInteractor
which already has support
for a particular TextImager mixed in.
Led_PP_TmpCmdUpdater [public]
Helper class, used with TextInteractorCommonCommandHelper_PP
TextInteractorCommonCommandHelper_PP < BASECLASS,CMD_INFO,CMD_ENABLER > [public]
TextInteractorCommonCommandHelper < BASECLASS,CMD_INFO,CMD_ENABLER >
where BASECLASS, CMD_INFO, and CMD_ENABLER are specified
See also WordProcessorCommonCommandHelper
NB: This template is important because it hooks in the class library/SDK (in this case PowerPlants) command dispatch metchanism into Led's.
qGenerateStandardPowerPlantExceptions [public]
PowerPlant apps generally throw class LException (used to be ExceptionCode) etc for internal exceptions.
And there are standard PowerPlant catchers for these types. To make Led utilize the Led_Set_OutOfMemoryException_Handler
etc mechanism to use the MFC exception types - define this to TRUE. To use more standard Standard C++ or your own types -
you may wish to shut this off.
Defaults to ON.